Evergreen: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Page 3
Bree looked over at her father as they drove back his apartment in the city. Since the shootings, he’d been staying at the house in Snoqualmie, albeit sleeping in the guest room and for a second, Bree had remembered how it had been all those years ago, just the three of them. Before the distance between her mother and father had become too big to ignore, before the tense atmospheres began.
But now, she was glad he was going back to his apartment. Her mother had been accepting of his decision; her focus now was entirely on her daughter. Bree was grateful for the support – but her mother could be a little smothering, and so, tonight, she decided to stay with her dad.
Outside, it was raining, a misty drizzle coating everything, and the headlights reflected off the slick road. Bree stared out of the window.
‘Yes, honey?’
‘Did you like Emory?’
Her father hesitated, and a small smile played around his mouth. ‘Very much. A very intelligent, warm young woman.’ He sounded deliberately formal, and Bree chuckled.
‘What you mean, Dad, is that she’s hot. It’s okay, Dad, if you like her,’ Bree saw his cheeks flame red, and he cleared his throat, embarrassed.
‘Breana, it’s hardly the appropriate place to…’
‘I’m just saying.’
‘Okay, that’s enough now.’
Bree hid a grin. ‘Go for it, pops.’
Luca gave her a half-annoyed glare but couldn’t help smiling at her gleeful expression. ‘You are a devil child. And anyway, she’s about five minutes older than you so let’s just drop it, okay?’
But later, when he was alone, he allowed himself to think of Emory Grace; her dark hazel eyes, her long mahogany hair, her soft, sweet smile. How could anyone hurt you? His attraction to her was something that couldn’t be allowed. She was his child’s teacher, and he was newly divorced; and besides, it wasn’t the most romantic way of meeting, was it?
Still, he decided, turning over in his large bed, I’ll go see her again. In a few days. Give her some space. Just to be friends. In a few days.
The next morning, he got up early and took a run around the city. He had slept well but had been plagued by dreams of Emory Grace and her lovely caramel skin, the feel of it against his lips, her sweet kiss, the sound of her moaning as he drove her towards climax…get a grip, man; he told himself, sharply.
But he knew that he couldn’t wait to see her again and a couple of hours later, telling Bree he was going to the office, he found himself instead driving to the hospital.
Emory had gotten out of bed for the first time and was gingerly walking around her room. Even after only a few days, her wounds were healing, and she felt better. Physically, at least. She kept reliving the moment David – her friend, David – had stuck that knife into her. The crazed look in his eyes. She couldn’t fathom it. After Bree had escaped, David had kept attacking Emory, and she’d defended herself until she collapsed to the floor, bleeding out and gasping for oxygen. She didn’t know how long it had been then until the police had burst in and when David had rushed them, they had cut him down instantly. Everything after that was a blur. Emory shivered now, pulling her robe tightly around herself. The staggering violence of it all made her feel sick.
‘I wouldn’t stand too close to the window. Don’t let them get the money shot for free.’
Fuck. She turned and glared at Ray, who was standing in the doorway, a bunch of roses in his hand; his fake smile plastered onto his face. She hated cut flowers; a fact Ray knew all too well. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’
Ray smiled, but there was no humor in his eyes. ‘Now, darling, don’t be a little bitch. I’ve just come to visit my heroic wife.’ His tone dripped sarcasm – and something else, she realized – jealousy. Ugh. She climbed back into bed, noticing he made no move to help her. She felt better when she sat, stronger, and now, she fixed her estranged husband with a stare.
‘Ray, I asked you to stay away. We have nothing more to say to each other. You know this.’
Ray ignored her and sat on the bed. ‘Do you honestly think I’ll let you go that easily?’
‘You don’t have a choice.’
Ray smiled then moved suddenly, his hand pressing down hard on her wounded stomach. Emory gasped with pain, but Ray didn’t relent, his mouth next to her ear now.
‘You listen to me, you little whore. You’re my wife; you belong to me, and if you think you can embarrass me like this, you are very, very wrong.’
He released the pressure on her abdomen and sat back, never taking his eyes from her face. Emory caught her breath, and when she spoke, her voice shook.
‘Ray…I won’t let you threaten me. I want a divorce, or I’ll go straight to the press who seem to be waiting for me out there and tell the truth about the inestimable Professor Grace. You’ve bullied me long enough.’
Ray smiled. ‘Oh, I don’t think you will, Emory.’ He leaned in closer to her. ‘Or you might find yourself on the wrong end of another knife.’
Emory rocked back from the venom in his voice. God, he was seriously threatening to kill her? As bad as things were between them…this was a whole new level. The look in his eye reminded her of David Azano and she knew without a doubt, Ray would murder her without hesitation.
‘Why would you want to stay in a loveless marriage?’ She whispered. ‘How is that good for either of us?’
‘Who said it was loveless? I worship you, Emory, you must know that. You’re the beautiful woman to walk this earth, and I simply won’t let you go…alive.’ He whispered the last word as if it were a seduction then forced his mouth onto hers. Emory struggled, but his hands were rough on her shoulders, her breasts. Emory bit down on his bottom lip, and Ray swore and raised his hand to cuff her. She flinched, expecting the blow.
‘What the hell is going on here?’
Luca Saffran stood in the doorway, all six foot five of him, glowering at Ray. Emory felt both relief and delight at seeing him, but she couldn’t help the tears falling down her face, so shocked was she at Ray’s behavior. Ray wiped the blood from his torn lip and got up. Emory noticed how small Luca made him look; because she herself was so tiny, she had always thought of Ray as tall, but he was dwarfed by Luca.
‘Who the fuck are you?’ Ray spat at him, and Luca gave him a chilly smile.
‘Luca Saffran. Emory, is this man bothering you?’
Ray laughed incredulously. ‘’This man’? I’m her fucking husband, asshole, get out of here.’
Luca didn’t move, his gaze fixed on Emory’s pale face. ‘Are you okay, sweetheart?’
Emory shook her head, and Luca’s eyes softened. God, he’s divine. She watched as Luca turned his attention towards her seething husband. ‘I’m told you are about to be Emory’s ex-husband and that she doesn’t want you here. So, I suggest you leave before I call security.’
Ray got in his face. ‘Who the fuck do you think you are?’
‘I’m a friend of Emory’s. I have little time for men who threaten women, even less for those who hurt them. I’m also someone you really don’t want to fuck with. I’m also losing patience with you, Mr. Grace.’ The tone of his voice had dropped to below freezing.
Ray chuckled darkly. ‘A friend? Well, well, this is news…’ he glanced back at Emory, ‘so the Little Princess Purity was fucking someone else all along. Bet the press would love to know all about their heroine’s little secret.’ He turned back to Luca, sizing him up. ‘And it’s Professor Grace.’
‘Despite your crude insinuations, Emory and I have only just met. We met after she saved my daughter’s life, and was badly injured doing so. You tell the press any different; you won’t know what has hit you.’
‘You’re threatening me?’
Luca stepped forward, and Ray tottered backward. ‘Oh yes,’ Luca said softly, ‘after all, that’s a language you understand, isn’t it, Professor?’
Emory held back a gasp. Luca had heard Ray threatening her and now…she could
see the anger in his eyes and wondered that he was so defensive of her. It warmed her heart.
Ray was silent. Luca smiled warmly at Emory before looking back at her husband. ‘Now, I suggest you leave and don’t come back, or it’ll be your reputation that I’ll happily destroy.’
Ray hesitated but then obviously decided Luca wasn’t bluffing, and with a last, furious look at Emory, stalked out.
Emory let out a long sigh of relief. ‘Thank you, Luca. That could have been nasty if you hadn’t shown up.’
She closed her eyes and regulated her breathing, trying to get her heart to stop thumping. Luca closed the door and pulled up a chair next to her bed, waiting for her to open her eyes. He smiled at her when she did.
‘From what I overheard, it was pretty nasty anyway. How long has he been abusing you?’
Emory flushed. ‘Too long,’ she whispered, and Luca took her hand.
‘No more,’ he said simply. His long warm fingers stroked the back of her hand. ‘Emory…what are your plans when you leave the hospital? Where will you go?’
‘I have a cottage at the school and…’ She trailed off as Luca shook his head.
‘They’ve closed the school for the summer, and the police have locked it down for the investigation.’
Emory’s heart sank. ‘Oh.’ Suddenly she felt bleak and hopeless. ‘Well, I guess I’ll have to go to a motel.’
Luca smiled. ‘You will do no such thing. I have an apartment made ready for you in the city, or if it’s not to your liking, I’ll arrange something wherever you like.’
‘I couldn’t possibly accept your very kind offer, but thank you,’ Emory’s face was burning now, but Luca raised his eyebrows and smiled.
‘Emory, you need somewhere safe and secure. I own some property which is standing empty but has security out the wazoo.’
Emory chuckled at his words. ‘Are powerful moguls allowed to say ‘wazoo’?’
Luca grinned. ‘I think we’re allowed to say just about anything we want, so my staff tells me. Except they once banned me from saying ‘dude’ because I use it too often. They’re tyrants, the whole lot of them.’
Emory laughed at his mock-disgruntlement. ‘Hey, I forgot to ask, how’s Bree doing? She seemed fine when I saw her, but these things can take time to really sink in.’
‘Bree’s fine,’ Luca nodded, ‘but yes, I think you’re right. I think it’ll hit her when none of us expect it to.’ He studied her. ‘What about you?’
She nodded. ‘Hasn’t sunk it yet either. I don’t think I’m allowing myself to process it until I feel strong enough physically to deal with it – and this thing with Ray too…’ She sighed. ‘Wow. My whole life just changed in a heartbeat.’
Luca’s hand tightened on hers. ‘Emory…I know we don’t really know each other, but I would like to. Please let me arrange somewhere safe for you to go; really it is the least I could do.’
Emory looked at him and suddenly knew she would allow herself to be cared for by this man. ‘Okay,’ she said, and smiled at him, ‘Okay.’ Then she grinned at him. ‘Dude.’
His smile made her heart soar.
Three weeks later and Emory was waking up in her new apartment. Luca hadn’t been exaggerating when he said the place was safe. She had security guards living next door and at the reception. The apartment was gorgeous, not too big but still luxurious in the extreme. Luca had made sure everything was there for her when she got out of the hospital. He’d insisted on picking her up himself, bringing an excited Bree with him. Emory had spent a long time with both of them since her release, and she had grown even more fond of them both.
She hadn’t known that Luca and his wife Clem were divorced now. In a way, she regretted knowing it; when she had thought Luca was unavailable, it has been easier to shove her feelings for him aside. But now…she and Luca had talked late into the nights while Bree fell asleep on the couch beside them and Emory had felt that only the presence of his daughter stopped anything from happening between them. The way he looked at Emory made her weak. They’d be talking, and his eyes would drop to her mouth, and her stomach would flutter; when he would say goodbye at the end of the evening, his tone was full of regret. Every time their fingers would brush accidently, a thrill would run through her and when she went to be – alone – she imagined his hands on her body, his lips on hers, his cock driving deep inside her. God, she had never felt this before, this wanton need to be fucked by this glorious man, ever.
Now, Bree had gone away with her mother for a week, and there was no safety net between Emory and Luca. Both of them knew it was inevitable, but they left the words unspoken; it kept the anticipation at a maddening but thrilling level.
Her phone buzzed. She glanced at the clock; a little after nine a.m. She picked up her phone and smiled, a thrill rushing through her. Luca.
‘Hey you,’ she said softly and heard him chuckle.
‘Did I wake you?’
‘Not at all.’
There was a short pause. ‘So,’ he said eventually, ‘I know we said tonight for dinner…but would you believe my schedule’s just been cleared for the day? I thought I would play hooky. Want to join me?’
Emory felt her heartbeat quicken, a pulse beat between her legs. ‘That sounds good,’ she said, trying to sound nonchalant. ‘Shall I meet you somewhere?’
‘No…I’ll come to you,’ he said, his voice heavy with meaning, with desire. Emory shivered with anticipation.
‘Come now,’ she said softly and heard his intake of breath.
‘On my way, beautiful.’
Ending the call, she shot out of bed and into the shower, scrubbing at her skin, shaving, then shutting off the water, rubbing moisturizer into her entire body. Choosing what to wear was difficult. She didn’t want to look as if she was expecting them to make love; on the other hand, neither did she want to look so dressed up that he was put off. You’re acting like a wanton woman, she told herself with a grin, but she didn’t care. She chose a simple white summer dress but didn’t bother with underwear. Like I said, slutty, she chuckled out loud to herself. She changed the sheets on the bed and tidied the place up, lighting scented candles. She had just shoved the old bedsheets into the washer when the intercom buzzed.
She felt breathless, light-headed as she opened the door. God, he got better looking every time she saw him, and now, with the look of brazen desire in his eyes, she was utterly lost.
He said nothing, just smiled then bent his head and kissed her. His lips were soft at first then as she pulled him into the apartment, they grew fiercer, his breathing rough and ragged as her arms curved around his neck. He touched her stomach tenderly.
‘If it hurts, tell me to stop.’ But she shook her head. Her wounds were almost healed and even if they did tug painfully now and again, there was no way she was going to tell him to stop. His hand snaked under her dress and when he encountered bare skin, then felt how wet she was for him, he groaned helplessly.
‘God, Emory, I need you right now…’
He pushed her back against the wall. Emory’s hand went to his fly and freed his thick and heavy cock, already pulsing and engorged, from his pants. He lifted her up, and she guided him inside her, gasping as he filled her completely. Luca drove his cock hard into her, wanting to possess her completely, his eyes never leaving her face, drinking her in as he fucked her.
Emory moaned deliriously as he took her; she’d never experienced sex like this, the complete animal, feral kind. His cock, diamond hard and huge, plowed into her, Luca’s free hand on her clit sending her insane with pleasure. When he came, he groaned and called her name over and over as she felt him shooting deep inside her and she shivered through one, two, three orgasms before they both collapsed to the carpet, breathing heavily.
Luca peeled her dress from her shoulders and stripped her naked. His hands and his eyes exploring every part of her; her full breasts, her softly curved belly, the slender and shapely legs. His mouth found her nipple, and he felt her fing
ers tangle in his dark hair. He traced a path with his tongue down her belly, kissing each still pink scar tenderly before he buried himself in her sex. He took her clit between his teeth, nipping gently, feeling it harden beneath his tongue as it lashed around it. This woman, he thought, this beautiful, sensual, astonishing woman…
The ferocity of his feeling for her amazed him; even with Clem, who he had considered his soulmate, hadn’t awakened this primeval need within him. He wanted to always be fucking Emory Grace, all the time, all day, all night.
She was whispering his name over and over, her back arching as he made her come again, and the sight of her body undulating made it impossible for him to do anything but plunged his cock into her again, making her scream with delight.
They made it to the bed finally, and spent all day in there, making love and talking until they were exhausted. They fell asleep in each other’s arms for a while, and when Luca awoke, it was dark outside.
He glanced at the lock. Eight thirty p.m. but he had no intention of moving. He looked down at the woman in his arms, her dark lashes resting on the flushed cheeks; the full pink mouth closed as she slept. So, beautiful. He loved the way their bodies seemed to fit together perfectly too, her curves matching his hard-athletic frame. Everything about her is soft, he thought, stroking the curve of her breast, splaying his long fingers out over her belly. Clem was a slender woman, an ex-fashion model, with angles and finely constructed cheekbones; Emory reminded him of a medieval milkmaid, all soft curves, and lush planes. He promised to tell her that when she woke. He traced a finger over the scars on her stomach and his smile faded. How could anyone hurt you like this? He sighed heavily, and Emory’s eyes opened.
‘Penny for them,’ she said, and he told her. She hoisted herself into a sitting position. ‘I don’t really think he wanted to, not the David I knew. It wasn’t personal. I don’t even think he recognized me.’ She was silent for a moment. ‘I feel bad for Zea, his widow. I should have reached out to her, made sure she was okay. You don’t happen to know how she is, do you?’