Filthy Commitments: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 5
She murmured, “Our contract.” I watched her as she read it and nodded. “Yes, this is what he and I have discussed. I agree to it all.” Isabel handed her a pen, and she signed it as I let out a breath that I hadn’t realized I’d been holding in. Then I signed it too, and we were a done deal.
For the next three months, anyway.
“The money will be held in our bank in an escrow account for you, Miss Jones. If either of you decides you want out of the contract, it will be up to the Dom to decide if you get any of the funds he set aside for you. Do you understand?” Isabel moved the financial page to Asia, and she signed it too. Isabel smiled at me. “You’ve been very generous, Mr. Simmons. I do hope you two find what you’re looking for.”
I didn’t have to hope. I knew I’d found the right woman to play my wife. And she already exhibited signs of being a perfect sub for me. I wasn’t sure how I got so lucky, but I felt like I’d won the lottery. Getting up to leave, I took Asia by the hand and went out to where the car was waiting to take us back to the airport. “Is all the flying bothering you?”
She shook her head. “Not so far. We only have a few hours back to New York, right?”
“I chartered a private jet. It’ll be a couple of hours, and in the meantime, we’ll enjoy dinner in the air. I’ve ordered lobster and steaks.” I opened the door for her and the evening sun was pleasantly warm on our faces.
“That’s thoughtful of you.”
The driver hurried to open the back door to let us in. She slid in and crossed her beautifully slender legs and I took the seat next to her. I gave her some room, although I wanted to be as close to her as I could get. I wasn’t sure when I was going to give her the news about the fake marriage and how I expected her to act about it. She seemed up for anything in a laid-back kind of way. Surely, she wouldn’t hate the idea.
Would she?
Although a sense of calm had washed over me, I began to mull over the things I’d read in the contract I had signed. There was a part about the fact no kidnapping charges could ever be filed on my Dom. I wondered why there had to be a thing like that. Had the man who’d just become my Dom kidnapped someone before?
And then there was the part about me not being able to wear anything other than what he gave me. I had to do as he said at all times too. While those things might seem easy enough to do for the amount of money he was giving me, I wondered if I could do that for three whole months. I wasn’t without a brain, I could make my own decisions, and I made good ones. So, why would I even need a man to make such small decisions for me? The answer was easy. I wouldn’t!
But this was a role I was playing is how I had to look at it. For three months, I’d be this man’s puppet. It was a notion I’d have to settle into. Jett poured a tall glass of Champagne and handed it to me then poured one for himself. Facing me, he gave me a smile. “This may seem silly, but it might not be after you hear what I have to say.”
I nodded and waited with curiosity. The man was a bit different than I’d imagined him to be. I was quickly finding out that I couldn’t count on him acting any certain way. He reached into his pocket and pulled out two small black boxes. He opened one and I saw a thick platinum wedding band in it. He pulled it out and put it on his finger. “You’re married?” I said horrified!
“No!” He chuckled. “The look on your face is priceless. No, I’m not married.”
He opened the next box, and there was a brilliant diamond engagement ring and a wedding band that matched his. I stared at the opulent rings. “What’s this about?”
“Hold out your left hand.” His eyes held mine as I did as he said.
He slipped the rings onto my finger, and I felt the weight of them as if it was an ominous sign. “Jett, I don’t understand.”
The pad of his thumb ran over my finger and the rings as he placed them on. “I need a fake wife for a few occasions this summer. That’s the main reason I purchased you.”
“To lie to people?” I was more than a bit shocked. The man who was sitting next to me should never have to purchase a woman. He was drop dead gorgeous, wealthy, and I thought he was charming to boot. Why would he need me to lie about such a thing as being his wife?
“Well, yes.” His hand traveled up my arm, leaving heat in its path. “Asia, I have my reasons, and frankly, I don’t like explaining myself to others. That’s why I decided a sub would be best for this task.”
I downed the drink and put the glass down. He followed my lead and drank his up too. “So, I can’t ask you any questions about anything?” I was beginning to get a little dumbfounded by him.
He put his empty glass down, next to mine. “No, you can’t. That was one of the rules. Don’t you recall that?”
“Not one that stated that exactly.” I tried to remember what all was on that paper. I didn’t think I’d seen anything that said I couldn’t ask him any questions. “But I can follow that rule. What I’m having trouble with is the lying. Who will I be lying to, exactly?”
“My family, friends, people I went to college and high school with. Basically, everyone I know and don’t know. You see, we’ll be maintaining to the outside world that you and I are husband and wife.” He smiled as if what he said had made perfect sense. Which it did not!
“Your family?” I was flabbergasted. “Your parents?”
He nodded. “Yes. And we’ll be stopping by their home on our way to what everyone will know as our new home. The one I’ll be leaving you at the end of the contract if you’re a good girl and do as I say, ‘at all times’.” He really emphasized that part.
His term, good girl, was not making me happy. I was beginning to feel like his puppy or something else not normal, at all. “Jett, I think this is a thing you should’ve told me about before I signed the contract.”
“It was in there. It said you had to do as I say ‘at all times’ and be who I tell you to be. So, I am telling you to be Mrs. Jett Simmons. There are worse things to lie about.”
“Your family will know me. Am I to tell this lie forever?” He’d hadn’t thought things through. “And I’m not a good liar. Words that aren’t true kind of gum up in my mouth and my eyes get really big. This will never work. You may as well head back to the club and end the contract now before I make a fool out of you.”
He put his arm around me, leaned in close, and planted his lips on mine. With no kind of warning, he just kissed me, and I melted into him as if we’d kissed many times before. Parting my lips, I invited him in. Our tongues gently caressed each other’s. He tasted better than I thought he would. A fire started burning inside of me from his incredible kiss. And I didn’t want to go back and end the contract any longer!
His strong hands moved over my shoulders, cradling my back and pulling me closer. My breasts flattened against his hard chest. I curled my hands around the collar of his suit jacket and hung on for dear life. Could I lie for him? Could I make words come out of my mouth in a flowing manner that wouldn’t give him away?
Our kiss grew and grew until we were pawing at one another with a need for more. He pulled back, both of us panting. “You sure you want to end this?”
All I could do was shake my head and wait for him to kiss me again. Which he did, thankfully. He pushed me back on the seat, his full weight falling against me. I ran my hands under his jacket to feel his muscular back and moaned with how good those tight muscles felt. He pushed my legs apart and laid on me, grinding his erection against me.
He had me then. I was hooked. I’d do my best to make people believe we were married. But I had a ton of questions that I couldn’t even ask him, per his rule. I could see things might get a bit on the frustrating side with him. But as he kissed me into submission, I didn’t seem to care about anything except how good he could make me feel. My body felt sensations it never felt before. Jett was making me high with every kiss. What would happen to me when he took me?
He eased the passionate kiss and looked at me as he brushed my hair back. �
��You’re exquisite, my little Asia. I knew I had to have you the moment I laid eyes on your picture. I was impressed by you. I want to warn you, though. I’m a strict man. I don’t like small talk or dilly dallying. I’m a straightforward man and I want you to be that way with me too. If you don’t like something I do to you, tell me. Honesty is always rule number one.”
“I understand.” I was getting lost in those eyes of his. I ran my hand over his smooth cheek. “May I say that I think you’re also exquisite?”
His lips curled to one side then he nuzzled my neck. “I’m glad you think so.”
I pushed my hands through his thick hair, releasing an earthy scent. I inhaled it and found myself feeling slightly lightheaded. I had no idea a complete stranger could arouse me in such a way. Maybe something was wrong with me. Maybe I’d held onto my virginity too long. It wasn’t normal what I was doing, falling for Jett, a man I didn’t know.
“Is this what normally happens when you get a new sub?”
His lips trailed down my neck as he moved his head up to look at me. “No.”
“Do you think something’s wrong with me that I’m so aroused by you?” I had to know and had no one else around to ask.
“Okay…” I didn’t know what else to say. He obviously didn’t want to talk. He was frustratingly a man of few words.
“I’ve picked the right woman to play the part of my wife, that’s all it is. We have amazing natural chemistry. Our bodies have revealed that. It might take a while for our minds to catch up, but it’s there and it’s stronger than any I’ve had with anyone else. How about you?”
“Me? I’ve never had chemistry with anyone before. You’re the first.”
His lips touched mine briefly, but it still sent heat straight to my core. Then he looked into my eyes with a fierce gaze. “I will be your first, Asia, in many ways.”
I swallowed, involuntarily. “Yes, you will.”
I couldn’t keep my hands off her. She was like a drug an intoxicating addiction. One I couldn’t get enough of. We went from the car to the jet and we were heading to New York. The first stop was my parents’ Manhattan house. That’s where we’d be grilled about our relationship.
I toyed with Asia’s hand as we sat, side by side, in the beige leather seats. I found it was a perfect time to tell her about our whirlwind romance and marriage. “My mother’s name is Jenny and my father’s is Frank.”
“Okay.” She gave me a smile. “I can remember that.”
“You and I met at a nightclub in Los Angeles.”
“I was on vacation out there, wasn’t I?” She winked. “We may as well keep my part in your little fairy tale real. You know, the truth about where I come from and go to college. I’m sure to mess up if everything’s a lie.”
“You’re right. You get to stay you, entirely. I like your whole tale anyway. So, you were on vacation with your college roommate.” I paused to see if she’d fill in the blank.
“Stacy and I were at the club?”
I filled in that one. “Banshee. I saw you from across the crowded room and went straight to you, asking you to dance.”
“That’s when you found out I’m a lousy dancer.”
I frowned. I couldn’t see her as being a lousy dancer at all. “Which I quickly taught you, and you became fantastic in no time. After we had danced the night away, we ditched Stacy and went to eat at a nearby diner named Lola’s Eatery.”
“I ordered waffles.”
“I ate scrambled eggs and toast.”
She kissed my cheek. “I let you drive me to my hotel.”
“Motel 6.”
She nodded. “You walked me to the door and I let you kiss me on the cheek, nothing more than that. I’m a good girl.”
I found her utterly adorable and kissed the tip of her nose. “That you are. I got your number and called you on my way home. We talked until dawn.”
“Then you asked me out for dinner the next night and the night after that, and the next one, as well. We became inseparable while I was in L.A. then I had to go back to New Brunswick to school.”
“Ah, yes, back to school you went, and we missed each other so much we couldn’t stand it. That’s when we knew it was true love.” I kissed her sweet lips. “I asked you to marry me when I flew in to surprise you last week.”
Her cheeks flushed with the most beautiful reddish tone. “And I accepted while happily crying.”
Ending our little story, I said, “I scooped you up, took you to Vegas where we made it legal. I’d bought us a home in Harrison, New York before I even proposed, certain you’d say yes.”
“I think I can remember all of that.” She smirked. “I’ll let you do the talking, though. I don’t want to mess it up.”
“There’s one more thing we should practice.” I leaned in close and kissed the soft spot behind her right ear. “Saying, I love you.” Moving back, I looked at her. “And sounding like we mean it. You go first.”
She looked as if she was trying not to laugh. “Jett, I love you.” Her lips then squeezed into a flat line as she tried not to laugh.
“Asia, I love you.” I kissed her cheek. “Again.”
She ran her hand over my cheek then through my hair as she peered into my eyes. “I love you,” her words were soft, sweet, and sounded so real my heart skipped a beat.
“Do you really?” I didn’t even know I was going to ask that question.
She nodded then leaned in and kissed my lips. “I love you, Jett Simmons.”
Heat filled me in such a way it surprised me. My cock thumped as it began to swell. “I love you, Asia Simmons.” The words were rolling off my tongue with ease as my desire for her grew.
Running my hands up and down her arms, I was about to take her to the bedroom. But the steward came out with our lunch, spoiling that. “Lobster and steak. I’ll bring the white wine right out.” He placed the meals on the table.
Taking her by the hand, I helped her up, and we went to eat, instead of going to do what I most desired, making out in the privacy of the bedroom. “Come, wife, have some lunch with your husband.”
She giggled and I liked the way it sounded. Holding the chair out her for, she took the seat I’d offered, and I took the one across from her. “This looks delicious, Jett.”
“I’m glad you like it. So, tell me about your family. I should know a little about them.”
“My mother’s name is Patty and Dad’s is Bryan. I have two older sisters.”
I cut a piece of steak and found it was cooked exactly the way I liked it. Seemed it was my lucky day. “So, you’re the baby of the family then?”
“I am.” She took a bite of lobster after dipping it into butter and nodded as she chewed and swallowed. “This is great.”
“I agree. So, what are your sister’s names?” I dug into the lobster tasting and savoring a little at a time.
“Rainbow or Bow as we call her for short, is married to Stewart. He’s a forest ranger. They just took their three kids, Jana, Hailey, and Baxter, and moved to Alaska. Then there’s Spring and Max, they live in South Dakota, and they have a baby that’s due next month. It’s a surprise what they’re having.”
“Next month? Won’t you want to go see your new niece or nephew?” I paused as I ate to see if that was a thing she might want to do.
“I’d like to, but I’ve done this now. I’ll go after the summer is over.” She cut into her steak and looked it over.
“Is it done to your liking?”
She smiled. “I love it rare. It’s as if you already knew me when you ordered this meal, Jett.”
“To be honest, I ordered what I like, the same way I’ve done with all my subs. It’s just a coincidence you like your steak the same.” I smiled. It was nice that we were on the same wavelength.
“Lucky me.” She looked a bit disturbed by what I’d said. I didn’t like that look on her face.
“I’m sorry. I can be self-absorbed and crass. I
’ll try to curtail that as much as I can. So, what other things do you like? That I know what to say when people ask.” I gave the steward a frown as he finally came back with the wine. He filled our glasses then left us without saying a word of apology. The guy was earning a spot on my shit-list.
“My favorite meal is boring, spaghetti.”
“What’s boring about that? I love it too. Especially when it’s served with…”
She laughed as she broke in to add, “Homemade meatballs!”
“And don’t forget the garlic bread.”
We laughed, and I thought things were going so well. Too well. It couldn’t be this way for long. Then it occurred to me that she might be acting.
“And for dessert?” she asked then put a bit of meat into her little mouth.
I went out on a limb and said something I didn’t like to see how she’d react. “Lemon pie.”
“No,” she said as she shook her head. “Apple pie.”
“Alamode?” I asked with surprise.
“Is there any other way?”
She’d hit on my favorite desert. We were well-matched. She wasn’t acting at all. And that scared me. Asia Jones was perfect for me. Not just as my sub or fake wife. As a real-life partner. And I wasn’t ready for that at all! As we finished lunch, I sat there, secretly hoping there was something about her I’d find unattractive or unlikeable. Something that would make it easier to let her go when the three months were up.
The steward came back to pick up our empty plates, and Asia looked at him, asking with a smile, “You don’t happen to have any coconut rum and sprite back there, do you? I’m not a huge fan of wine.”
He looked down his nose at her, instantly pissing me off. “We only have the finest wines on board. Nothing of poor taste is served on this plane.”
And that was it. I got up, towering over the little son of a bitch. “A simple, no ma’am would’ve sufficed, you little screw off…”
Asia’s hand on my arm stopped me. “It’s okay, Jett.”
I turned to look at her. “You won’t be disrespected in front of me, Asia.” I looked back at the man who was foolish enough to talk that way to the woman I was with. “Apologize now.”