Filthy Commitments: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Read online

  Table of Contents

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three

  Filthy Commitments Epilogue

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  Filthy Commitments

  Dirty Little Virgin Preview

  Sneak Peak of Masquerade (A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)

  Opening Night (A Submissives’ Secrets Extra)

  Table of Contents

  Free Gift

  Filthy Commitments

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three

  Filthy Commitments Epilogue

  Dirty Little Virgin Preview

  Sneak Peak of Masquerade (A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)

  Opening Night (A Submissives’ Secrets Extra)

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  The Unexpected Nanny - A Single Daddy-Nanny Short Romance

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  I thought I was going to pick up a toy for my little’s girl’s birthday when we went to the toy store that day. I got that and a hell of a lot more.

  Joy was the customer service rep my daughter invited to her little birthday lunch. They hit it off right away.

  The fire inside me had been extinguished, or so I thought, it began to smolder for Joy that afternoon.

  After only knowing the young beauty for less than an hour, I asked her to come live with us and be my daughter’s nanny. And to my surprise, she accepted.

  Once I had her within my walls, I couldn’t think about anything other than getting my hands on her, using her body to quench the fire that had grown inside me. Taking her in every way imaginable and making her beg for more!

  So, I went to her and made her an offer I hoped she couldn’t refuse…

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  Filthy Commitments

  A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

  By Michelle Love

  ©Copyright 2017 by

  Michelle Love- All rights


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  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  He needs a fake wife for two weddings, a week-long family vacation, and his high school reunion. A three-month, summer long contract with a sub who is willing to do anything for her Dom should do the trick…

  22-year-old virgin, Asia Jones, should be graduating from Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey as a Statistical Analyst, but she’s failed a couple of classes, ending her scholarships, and making her go out of her comfort zone to get enough money to finish her last year of school.

  Jett Simons, is the heir to the ‘Cinnamon Buns’ global sweet shop. He’s young, 26-years-old, and arrogant. He’s also a three-year member of ‘The Dungeon of Decorum’ and he’s looking to buy a woman at auction who looks like she needs a strong hand to mold her into the woman she could be. As an added bonus, the lucky chic gets to pretend she’s his wife for a few social functions he has throughout the summer.

  Using the club’s website to browse for a suitable sub, Jett finds the profile of Asia. Not only is she gorgeous, but she’s a college student, meaning she must be smart, and the cherry on top is she still has her cherry. He’s found himself a good girl to take to occasions he has lined up. Pretty, smart, and virtuous means he’s got it made in the shade with this choice.

  Or does it?

  Jett’s main mistake is taking Asia on as his sub before he tells her about the fake marriage. She’s not accustomed to lying. When he shows her the list of rules he made out and she accepted, number seven is, she must do as he says at all times, that includes being whoever he asks her to be. A rule she didn’t look at close enough. She’s stuck, but she’s not happy about that part of the contract.

  Their time as Dom and sub in his Portland mansion teaches her things about her body she finds amazing. Their time as husband and wife teach them both more about what it means to make marital sacrifices.

  Will the fake marriage be a thing that brings them closer or will it break their bond at the end of summer and when their contract is up?

  Part One


  “I don’t need your help to find a wife, Mom!” I shouted loudly over the phone, as I got out of my comfortable leather executive style desk chair; walking with pounding feet toward the floor to ceiling windows. The sun is setting over the Pacific, creating waves of color flickering on the water. “I’m not even looking for one. I am only twenty-eight years old, for goodness sake.”

  “By the time I was your age I was married, had you, and was developing the recipe for the cinnamon buns that got us all where we are today.” Her voice had taken on a nasally tone as she bitched at me. “Your father would like to retire someday. A thing he can’t do until you’re ready to take over as CEO. This is a family business, Jett. You’re our only heir. And you’ll need an heir of your own in the future. Don’t you let all your father and I’s hard work go to waste.”

  And there was the guilt!

  Always with the guilt. My mother was a master at wielding it like a double edged sword. She inherited it honestly, her mother used it like a weapon too.

  “Mom, can you get down to why you called? It’s after five, everyone else has gone home for the day, and I’d like to get the hell out of here too.” I leaned my shoulder against the wall and sighed, wishing I could just hang up the damn phone. But it was my mother on the end, no one hangs up on their mother! Well, some do, but not me. I was raised better than that.

  “Oh, yes dear. I completely forgot to get to that. First, how’s it going in L.A.? Is business good? I hope you have those numbers up. After going global last year, we must uphold those sale figures. We put you in charge of our largest distribution office for a reason, to get your executive feet wet after college, which you graduated from six years ago, by the way. I thought you’d be at the top by now, giving your old dad a much-needed break. That man peddled my baked goods all over the United States for three years before we made a name for ourselves.”

  “Mom!” I narrowed my brow as she was making my head begin to ache. “I get it. And our sales are great. Now, can you please get to the point of why you called? Surely, it wasn’t just to lecture me on how hard you and Dad worked to make Sin-a-buns Sweetshop the successful business that it is.”

  “Oh, yes! The vacation! The whole family, your grandparents from both sides, Uncle Pete and Aunt Sally, their twins, and everyone else will be at our summer place in the Hamptons during the second week of June. It’s like a reunion of sorts, only a really long one. And I’ve invited a few of the neighbors to stop by for our evening meals. Hopefully, you’ll like some of the eligible young women who’ll be coming over for the extravagant dinners, I’ve planned for each night that week. Maybe you’ll find one that suits you, marry her, and give me some grandchildren.”

  “Kind of getting ahead of yourself, aren’t you, Mom?” I said with my not so subtle irritated tone.

  “Not at all. You need to find a woman, Jett. I mean it. You know you’ll have to be married, and settled down before your father hands over the keys to the company, so to speak. Living like a rock star, the way you’ve been doing, won’t cut it.”

  Clinching my fists in my pockets, I made my way back to my chair. I wasn’t happy about a family gathering that would last an entire week. Topping it off with my mother playing matchmaker and all the snooty rich bitches from the Hamptons was the icing on the cake that was making me sick to my stomach. “I hardly live like a rock star, Mom.” She was really starting to piss me off.

  “What would you call it, Jett? You haven’t had a steady girl since high school. You broke little Sandy Smith’s heart when you dumped her and went away to college. I saw her mother last week when I went to see your grandmother in Jersey. She said Sandy and her husband Dave moved to the street we used to live on. Only three doors down from our old house where you two used to sit on the porch swing, holding hands. She was such a sweet girl, Jett. What happened?”

  That sweet girl wasn’t what she seemed to be. Sandy Smith was the biggest manipulator I’d ever met. Not even eighteen yet and she wanted to get married. She wanted it so badly, she tried to get her ass pregnant to trap me. Lucky for me, I noticed the box of condoms had been messed with and found the pin holes she’d stabbed through the foil pouches. She was quite the bitch.

  “We just weren’t as compatible as we seemed to be, Mom. Anyway, how’s Grandma doing?” I was trying desperately to change the subject to anything that wasn’t related to my personal life.

  “She’s just fine. Her gout was flaring up, so I took her some homemade soup. The trip from Manhattan to Jersey was a bit rough for me, though.”

  “And how’s that? Didn’t you let Stan drive? That is what he’s paid to do you, know.” I spun around in my chair, glancing at the now dark window and wishing I could get off the phone. “Mom, can I call you from my cell?”

  “No, I hate those things. I like landlines, you know that, Jett. Anyway, Stan had a doctor’s appointment, and I took the car. It’s been so long since I’ve driven myself. I found it difficult to navigate my way back to where we lived for twenty years. I got melancholy about our simple life in Jersey. I mean, I love our Manhattan penthouse. I love the money that came from all of our hard work too. But it’s just such a difference and I only seem to notice it when I go back there.”

  “Then don’t go.” I leaned back in the chair, sure that she was going to make me stay at the office all night just to talk to her.

  “My parents live there, Jett. And your father’s too. I can’t just not go.”

  “I don’t go there. Send the car to pick them up and bring them to you. There, I’ve fixed your problem. And, Mom, don’t go trying to drive yourself around. Let Stan do it. I bet Dad didn’t know you took off like that, did he?”

  “Well, no. And he was upset with me when I got home, and when he saw me getting out of the car. He gave me hell when I told him how I had gotten lost twice.”

  Rubbing the back of my neck, I felt my father’s pain. The woman was a genius in the kitchen. In other aspects, not so much. “I love you, Mom. That’s why I’ll say it one more time, let Stan drive you where you need to go. If he’s got an appointment, you can wait. Grandma’s gout won’t get any better or worse if she gets your soup a few hours later.”

  “Maybe you’re right. Anyway, about finding you a wife, I talked to Gertrude the other day. We were talking about some of the things we could do during the family vacation. Well, she told me that Mrs. Finkerstein’s granddaughter will be staying the summer with her. Now, that family is like Hamptons royalty, as you well know. I think that girl might be perfect for you.”

  And there we were, back to the matchmaking. “Mom, you don’t even know her. How could you possibly think she’d be perfect for me? I think you just want to get me in with some snooty family so you can claim to be part of it. Not cool, Mom.”

  “What’s wrong with wanting to belong to a prestigious group? And what’s wrong with wanting to see my one and only child happily married? I’m going to push this, Jett. I am!”

  I could see that she was. My wheels began to spin. How could I get her off my back?

  Lie, of course!

  “Mom, I’ve actually have been seeing someone.”


  “Yes. She’s taken me completely by surprise and, well, dare I say it? I’m head over heels in love, Mom!” The burden of the lie wasn’t as heavy as I thought it’d be.

  “Jett, why didn’t you tell me this from the start? I wouldn’t have gone on so long about finding you a suitable wife. Now, tell me all about her. Is she pretty?”


  “Is she nice?”

  “The sweetest girl I’ve ever met.”

  “What’s her name? Can you send me a picture of the two of you? When will we get to meet her? Will you be bringing her to our vacation?”

  “I’m not saying another thing about her. You’ll just have to be surprised. Who knows, I may be bringing her to meet you as my wife.”

  “Oh, Jett! I’m so happy!”

  So, Mom was off my back, but now who was I going to get to play the part of my gorgeous, sweet wife?


  The big fat F stared back at me as my eyes glossed over. That was the third test I’d failed in my Data Extraction class. One more failed test and I’d have to repeat the class. And that would cost me, dearly. I had another class that was giving me real problems, as well. I knew I’d fail that one too, if I couldn’t wrap my head around the concept of statistical models. I had no idea becoming a Statistical Analyst would be so damn hard!

  High school had been a breeze for me. I sailed through it with nothing, but high A’s. I was awarded a full scholarship to Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. It wasn’t too far away from my home in Queens, New York, but far enough away I got to practice being an adult. There were stiff stipulations to the scholarship, though. Fail a class, and I would lose it. The whole damn thing. It paid for my classes, books, dorm room, and all my meals on campus. If I lost it, I’d lose everything. And I had one more year of school to get through. It would have all been for nothing if I failed any classes.

  Since I had everything covered, I didn’t get a job, not even a part-time one. If I had only thought ahead of the “what if’s” maybe I could have picked up a job during the summer to build up some money to be able to take those classes over again. Of course, that’s not what I did and now I could be screwed. I had considered my parents, but they didn’t have much. Maybe they could pull it together to help me out. I’d come too far to just quit. I made a call to my mother to feel her out about some financial help. “Hi, Mom. How’s it going?”

  She made a long, drawn out sigh that already told me things weren’t going well. “Your father was laid off yesterday. After fifteen years as a delivery driver, they up and cut him in the first round of layoffs. Can you believe that, Asia? Now, he and I will be limited to what I make as an administrative assistant at the law office.”

  So, they’re out!

  “That’s terrible news. How’s Dad taking it?” I wadded up the failed test and threw it in the wastebasket. Then I meandered my way back to my dorm to pout and later share with my roommate, Stacy.

  “You know your dad, he’s taking it hard. He sees it as something personal, which I’ve told him it isn’t. He was one of their highest paid workers. Of course, the company has to get rid of the employees who they are paying the most. It’s just finances to them.” Mom said with sadness, frustration, and desperation in her voice.

  “Poor Dad. And how are my sisters? I haven’t had time to call them with all the end of the semester testing.” It was hard to be both concerned for all of them and freaking out with my own situation. Of course, I couldn’t sound upset, mom would know and would have a fit.

  “Spring is about to pop. She and Max are super excited that their first born is almost here. You’ll have to try to make it to see her after she has the baby, Asia. I know South Dakota is far from here, but she’s your sister and she’s worth it.”

  “I’ll do my best.” I had no idea how I’d be able to get my ass to South Dakota
with no money, but I wasn’t about to burden my mother with that.

  “Rainbow and Stewart took their brood of three and moved to Alaska. How crazy is that?”

  I huffed and rolled over. My sisters were living their dreams, as I was failing mine. “That’s pretty crazy. What made them want to leave Washington to go way up there?”

  “Stewart got a job as a park ranger in some park in Alaska, so they up and moved. Bow says the kids are happy. She’s going to homeschool them, because they live in the middle of nowhere.”

  “Damn, she’s brave.”

  “I know! And how about you, my baby girl?”

  I wasn’t about to tell her everything, no matter how bad I felt, I couldn’t do that to her. “Me? Oh, I’m fine. I’m getting a job this summer.”

  “Oh, yeah, what kind?”

  I drummed my fingers on the yellow pillow cover as I conjured up a job. “Um, it’s a job in retail. I mean, I don’t have it yet. I have classes to finish, but once I’m free, then I should get the job.”

  “Only one more year of school. I bet you’re getting really excited about that now. Next year will be your last! I’m so happy for you!”

  This would be my last year if I couldn’t come up with a way to make about ten thousand dollars. Again, Mom didn’t need to be bothered with that. “Yep. I am really excited, alright.”

  “So, what are your plans, Asia? Where will you be once you’ve accomplished your goal of a Master’s degree?”

  “I guess I’ll get a job in New York. That’s always been what I thought I’d do. I have to do a year of interning next year. Maybe the company that takes me on will keep me.”

  I had no idea how I’d do a year of intern work; they paid next to nothing. I’d have to do that, take classes, and take on a part-time job somewhere in between it all.

  How was I going to do it all?


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