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Dangerous Kiss Page 2
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Page 2
He sighed and got up, walking slowly back to the mansion. His mom might be on him to find someone new, but Cosimo knew—she would have to be very special indeed.
He watched the director walk back to the mansion before slipping back into the woods. He’d been delighted when he discovered they’d been filming here. Open woods, the lake—these would all make it easier for him to get closer to Stella. Soon, he would contact her and make it known that he was there for her—in every way a man could be there for a beautiful woman like Stella Reckless. No one would stand in their way of their epic, once-in-a-lifetime love story…and God help anyone that tried…
Chapter Two
“Beebs, come on. A half hour won’t make any difference.” Rich Furlough, one of the movie set’s security guards openly sulked at Biba, who grinned back at him. Rich, and his joined-at-the-hip colleague Gunter, were some of her favorite people on any of the movies she’d worked on. Superb at their jobs, they had an irreverent and sometimes mutinous sense of fun. Rich, whose dark good looks and bright blue eyes could have made him a contender for stardom easily, was the instigator, always looking for ways to bring the more diva-like actors down to earth with a bump, and Gunter, a German-born bodybuilder, tagged along pondering the most random things in life, such as why dragonflies had multi-colored wings (“Zay are fancy-schmancy, no? Like ’zay are going to a party, ja?”).
Biba adored both of them—the two men had been best friends since their college years, and in turn, they had taken her under their wing early on in her career. Gunter had a crush on Stella which remained resolutely unrequited, and so sometimes he would get drunk and wax mournfully about his ‘lost love’.
Rich flirted outrageously with Biba, but they shared an almost fraternal bond, and now he was trying to persuade her to prank Damon, who Rich loathed. “Come on, Biba,” he said again, his voice wheedling. “You know you want to.”
“I’m not Krazy Gluing his moustache,” Biba said firmly, trying and failing to keep a grin off her face. “Lila will kill me for ruining her makeup job on him.”
Rich snorted. “He needs it.” Biba winked at him and went to find her boss.
Stella was tapping her cigarette on the table in the trailer, her eyes locked in the middle distance. For a moment she didn’t see Biba come in, then, after Biba had gotten tired of saying good morning and being ignored, she rapped on the table loudly.
“Hey, Spacecakes. Makeup in five.”
Stella blinked, then smiled. “I heard you. Have you seen Damon this morning?”
“No, thank God.” Biba stopped and narrowed her eyes at Stella. She knew this look of old. “Oh, no. I know what you’re thinking.”
“What?” Stella was all innocence.
“You get this look on your face when you’re gearing up to dump someone. As much as I detest Damon, you can dump him yourself this time.”
“I didn’t ask you to do anything.”
“No, but you will.” Biba busied herself with the new script pages that had arrived. She frowned. “Are the new pages pink or yellow? Shit, I can’t remember.”
Stella ignored her. “Now that you mention Damon…”
“I didn’t, you did.”
Stella waved her cigarette at Biba, then lit it finally, blowing the smoke away from her assistant. It was one of the few courtesies she showed. “Perhaps it is time we went our separate ways.”
Stella studied her. “You really don’t like him, do you? What’s the matter, Beebs? Hate sharing me?”
“Always,” Biba grinned sarcastically, and Stella laughed. “No, he’s just a creep. You could do better.”
Stella looked vaguely surprised at the compliment but didn’t say anything. “Well…next time, I will. Our gorgeous director for one thing. Cosimo DeLuca…can you imagine getting reamed by that man? I bet he’s packing, too.”
Biba didn’t answer, but the thought of Cosimo naked wasn’t unpleasant—quite the opposite. Not that she’d ever tell Stella that. She remembered last night when she’d seen him watching her play with the caretaker’s dog. He had looked almost…happy, enjoying watching the fun she was having with the German Shepard. Maybe he was a dog lover? That made him even more appealing. She pushed the thought of him away. Do not get a crush on him. Do not. It was ridiculous, anyway. She’d never spoken a word to him. When she’d given him that awkward wave last night, he’d looked so surprised that she had turned away, embarrassed, and almost run back to the manor house.
“Hey, Spacecakes,” Stella’s tone was annoyed, “Are you listening?”
“See if you can get a read on DeLuca’s attitude toward me.”
“Watch him when I’m acting. See if he reacts…in an admiring way.”
Biba started to grin. “So, if he…” She pretended to grab her crotch and gyrate, making an obscene gesture with her hand. Stella cackled with laughter. She could always be won over with a dirty joke.
“A little subtler than that, but yes.” Stella stretched out her long legs and bunched her long blonde hair up into a ponytail. “Right. Makeup.”
After Stella had left her alone, Biba tidied up the trailer and got out Stella’s clothes for later, hanging them and steaming the wrinkles out of them. When she was done, she went to the craft service trailer and grabbed some granola and coffee.
As she sat down, she felt someone tickle her sides and knew who it was. “Reginald.” She said in an imperious voice then grinned as he sat down beside her. Reggie kissed her forehead.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He immediately stole a spoonful of granola, his eyes twinkling behind his glasses, his thick, wavy blonde hair a mess as always.
“Reggie, the food is right there,” she moaned, but really, she didn’t mind. Reggie Quinn, screenwriter, music buff, fellow geek, was her best friend in the world, her ‘person’, the one she called at the highest points of her life and at the lowest.
He had been the one to get her the job of Stella’s assistant in the first place. They’d met when he came to her college to give a lecture on working in the movie business and found Biba the only student willing to engage. He called her over afterward, and they’d talked long into the night at her favorite bar. They found so much common ground that they both joked that it had been love at first sight.
Their friendship, however, had remained platonic from the start. Biba never sought out romantic entanglements, and Reggie seemed too happy being single. Both of them agreed they had far better things to do with their lives. And Reggie was her champion when it came to her writing, endlessly giving her feedback and encouraging her to submit her work to agents. Biba still didn’t believe she would ever make it as a screenwriter, but she was grateful to Reggie’s support in any case.
Reggie balanced his chin on her shoulder, and she leaned her head against his. “How’s the Wicked Witch?”
Biba grinned. “Okay at the moment. She has a new plan.”
“Oh God. Who this time?” Reggie was rolling his eyes.
“Cosimo DeLuca.”
“God,” Reggie said, “Poor guy doesn’t stand a chance.”
“Right?” But suddenly Biba didn’t want to talk about Stella seducing Cosimo—it gave her a weird, unfamiliar sensation of jealousy and pain that she didn’t understand.
She finished her breakfast and said goodbye to Reggie, heading toward the makeup trailer.
As she rounded the corner, she suddenly rocked back, almost colliding with someone. When she saw who it was, her heart thumped against her ribs.
Cosimo looked startled, then he smiled, and to Biba, it felt like the sun had come out. “Hello at last.” His voice was deep and rich, only a hint of an accent, but it sent her senses reeling.
At last? That made her stomach flutter. “Hello, Mr. DeLuca, it’s good to meet you.” Not knowing what to do, she stuck her hand out, and his big, warm, dry hand closed around hers.
There was a long hesitat
ion as they both stared at each other, and Biba felt herself reddening. His eyes were intensely fixed on hers—such a beautiful green—and his lashes were thick and black and long. When his eyes dropped to her full lips for a second, Biba felt a thrill go through her. God, he really was drop-dead gorgeous…and he was making her body feel things she’d never felt.
“It’s Biba, isn’t it?”
She nodded, feeling breathless. He smiled at her. “My mom used to model for Biba in London in the Sixties. Lovely name.”
“Thank you. Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. DeLuca?” Like kiss you? Like run my hand through that gloriously wild mop of curls on your handsome head?
Cosimo smiled. “You’re very kind, but no, thank you. And it’s Cosimo, Biba. Are you looking for Ms. Reckless? I believe I saw her walking back to her trailer.”
“Thanks.” She smiled at him and was gratified to see him nod. There were two rosy spots on his cheeks that surprised her—but maybe the guy was just really shy. She had heard that about him and so far, she’d seen no evidence to contradict it.
He also seemed in no hurry to leave her side. “How are you enjoying the shoot? Not that we’ve been here long, but…”
Cosimo was interrupted by the hasty arrival of Rich, who shoved something into Biba’s hand and ran off, shouting “Sorry, Beebs!”
Both Biba and Cosimo looked at each other askance, then Biba looked down. A half-empty tube of Krazy Glue.
“What was that about?” Cosimo looked after the retreating—and laughing—form of Rich.
Biba shook her head. She didn’t want to get Rich into trouble. “Nothing. Sorry, Mr— Cosimo. I do have to get to Stella.”
“Of course. Again, good to talk to you, Biba.” He smiled and touched her arm before he moved away. Biba took a long shaky breath in. Her skin burned where he’d touched it, and she wondered how her body would feel with his hands on it, stroking her, caressing her…
Jesus. A steady pulse beat between her legs, and she had to take a moment to collect herself.
Later, watching the scene between Stella and Damon on the set, Biba couldn’t help but watch how Cosimo reacted to his actors. He was unfailingly polite, but knew what he wanted, explaining to them both carefully how he felt the scene should be played, but listening to their suggestions. Gentle, she thought to herself. He’s a gentle man.
Damon was fiddling with his moustache, scratching the skin around it, and Stella looked annoyed. “I don’t want flaky skin in my mouth, Damon, thank you very much.”
Damon ignored her. “So damn itchy.”
“God, haven’t you ever had fake hair put on?” Stella eyed his hairline. “Looks like you’ll need to in a couple of years, anyway.”
“Don’t be a bitch.” Damon poked a finger into the moustache. “My lip feels numb.”
Oh God. Biba’s hand went into her jeans pocket to feel the tube of Krazy Glue. She shot a look over at Rich, who deliberately wasn’t looking at her. Oh fuck.
Her fears were realized a half-hour later, when in the middle of a kissing scene, Stella broke away from Damon. “Eww, what is that?”
“Whath whath?” Damon’s speech was lispy and slurred, and he poked at his upper lip again. “Whath the thuck?” He tore the moustache off, making everyone wince and his lip bleed.
“Oh, dear God.” Stella was both repulsed and amused—Damon’s lip was three times the size it should have been. He looked like a duck.
Chapter Three
Biba paled. Damon was obviously allergic to the Krazy Glue Rich had put on the fake hair. She moved behind the security guard and prodded him hard in the back. “You idiot. Look what you’ve done,” she hissed at him.
“How was I to know he’s allergic?” There was no guilt in Rich’s voice, and instead, he moved forward. “Hey, everyone, calm down. Anyone got an EpiPen? We might need it. In the meantime, I’ll call medical.”
Cosimo sighed, his schedule out of whack now, his concentration broken. “Okay, people, that’s a wrap for today. Damon, go get treatment.” He turned and caught Biba’s eye, and she was astonished to see him smirk and wink at her. Clearly, Cosimo had no time for divas either.
Biba caught up with Rich later and punched his chest hard. Rich grinned. “Sorry I dumped the glue on you, Beebs. I had to make a quick getaway.”
“And frame me, you asshole.”
“You know, in some war zones, Krazy Glue is used to close wounds,” Gunter said thoughtfully. “Maybe Biba should seal up your wing wang as punishment.” He bit into an apple nonchalantly as both Biba and Rich stared at him.
“Thanks, guy.” Rich said as Biba started to laugh.
“Maybe that’s a great idea,” Biba pretended to reach for Rich’s fly. “Come hold him down, Gunter, while I…”
Rich skipped out of her reach. “Ha ha. Listen, in all seriousness, I am sorry. If Cosimo says anything, tell him it was me.”
“Oh, I will,” Biba said. “I have no trouble ratting you out, you douche.”
Rich grinned. “You love me really.”
“Yup. If I wasn’t so busy working, you’d be all over me. You’re insatiable.”
Biba started to laugh. Rich’s teasing was something she found entirely funny, mostly because he did it in such an open and non-creepy way. “Rich, I’ve told you before. I like big bratwurst, not chipolatas.”
Gunter looked up eagerly. “You like ze German bratwurst?”
Biba grinned and didn’t answer. Rich sighed and slumped on the sofa in his trailer. “Well, that was fun. What should we do tomorrow?”
Biba kicked his feet as she passed him on her way out. “How about your job? Random, I know.”
“Lazy bitch.”
Rich grinned. “Later, boo.”
“Later. Bye, Gun.”
“Goodbye, Bratwurst Princess.”
Biba was still grinning as she went to find Stella, who was in a good mood. “I heard that was you with the Krazy Glue.” She actually hugged Biba, who rocked back a little at the unexpected embrace. “Well done.”
Biba extracted herself. “Well, you heard wrong. Not that Prick Tracy didn’t deserve it, but I wouldn’t wish that…duck pout…on anyone.” She smirked a little, and Stella grinned.
“Right?” Stella cackled gleefully. She sat down, opening the mini-fridge and taking out a beer. She never thought to offer Biba one, but Biba was used to it. “God, what a day. And…what a night I have planned.”
She waggled her eyebrows at Biba, who knew Stella wanted her to ask about it. Sighing, she pandered to her boss’s wishes. “How so?”
“What I like to call the first offensive of the ‘Make Cosimo Mine’ campaign. We’re meeting later to discuss the script and my character’s motivation.” She took a swig of beer and licked her lips slowly. “My character motivation being ‘I want to suck your big dick, Mr. Director’.” She snorted with laughter, but Biba felt a strange pang of jealousy.
“Stella…just a warning. The dude doesn’t seem the type to…have on-set dalliances. He’s pretty shy.”
Stella looked askance at her. “And you know him so well because…?”
“I don’t. It’s just the impression I get.”
Stella shrugged. She stood and pulled open her robe. “He’ll stop being so shy when he sees this.” Stella wasn’t shy about showing off her stunning figure: her full breasts, trim stomach, and long, long legs. Biba had seen it all before.
“Whatever you say. Listen, you got everything you need? I’m going to take off.”
“Yes, fine. Four a.m. call tomorrow. Be here at three-thirty, please.”
Biba groaned. “God. That’s not even a real time. You made it up.” But she was amazed by the ‘please’. Stella grinned at her joke.
“Believe me, I’d rather sleep in until noon, too, but we have to film some scenes with the early morning light.” She finally stopped and looked at Biba. “Get some rest. You look exhausted.”
bsp; Jesus, what was going on with Stella? She was never this nice unless…ah, yes. Biba remembered now. Stella was always in a better mood when she was about to seduce someone. Biba didn’t usually care…and she questioned herself why she did now.
“Fine. See you in the morning.”
Biba debated whether to go borrow the caretaker’s dog again and go down to the lake—to walk the dog, she told herself, not to see if Cosimo would be there—but she was tired. Instead she went to find Reggie.
Weaving in between the trailers, she noticed it had gotten really dark just moments before she stumbled over some loose ground. She crashed down onto her knees, then gasped in pain as her right knee crunched against a stone. “Oww, oww, fucking ouch, ouch…” She cursed some more as she clambered to her feet and tested her knee. It wasn’t broken, but it still hurt like hell.
Biba limped towards the manor house, but as she reached the end of the line of trailers, someone stepped out in front of her and blocked her way—and the light. Biba stepped back sharply in surprise, and then her pulse began to beat painfully as the figure reached for her. Seizing her by the shoulders, her assailant slammed her back hard against the last trailer.
Cosimo chatted with Channing and Lars for a while, and then debated whether to go get some food. Deciding he wasn’t hungry, instead he texted Nicco to tell him he had arranged a car to collect him and bring him to the set the weekend after next.
He waited for a reply, not expecting one so soon, but when his phone beeped, he hated the pathetic excitement he felt. It was only a text message, for Chrissakes. His pleasure soon dissipated when he saw Nicco’s reply.