Filthy Commitments: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Read online

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  I could barely breathe as my body began to crest. “Jett!”

  “Oh, baby, please give it to me. I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything. Give me what I need, baby. Give it all to me!” He slammed into me at a furious pace until I was screaming his name over and over as my body climaxed, convulsing tightly around his plunging cock. He made a harsh sound as he jerked inside of me, sending wet heat into me and making my orgasm more intense. “Baby, God!”

  “Jett,” I moaned as I ran my hands through his hair and he buried his face in my neck.

  That was it, the deed had been done. And I felt incredible. I worried I might be upset when it finally happened. I thought I might mourn the loss of something I’d held onto so tightly. But in the end, I was elated and had felt things I didn’t know were possible.

  “Thank you, Jett. That was a memory I’ll treasure forever. And you made me feel spectacular.” I pulled his face out of the crook of my neck and kissed him.

  He groaned as he kissed me back. Then leaned back and looked at me as he ran his hand over my cheek. “My God, you’re one beautiful woman, Asia. I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough of you.”

  I smiled. “Good. Nothing would suit me more than you never ending this.” Immediately I knew I’d said the wrong thing by the frown that made creases between his dark brows.

  “As good as this is, it won’t last forever.” He rolled off me and walked to the bathroom as I laid there, perfectly still and wishing I hadn’t said what I had.

  I didn’t mean to ruin the moment for him, and I definitely had. When he came back, I felt the need to apologize, “Jett, I’m sorry.” I leaned up on my elbows to look at him so he could see the seriousness in my eyes. “I know this is temporary. It’s just that I loved that so much and I don’t think anyone else will ever rock my world the way you just did.”

  He had a damp washcloth in hand and sat on the side of the bed. “Lay back, let me clean you up.” I did as he said and looked at the ceiling, not particularly loving what he was doing. “I’m sorry I went cold on you, Asia. It’s just that I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Though he said that, I felt he meant something else entirely. I believed he meant it was him getting hurt that was buried deep in the recesses of his mind. “I understand. That’s very gallant of you, Jett.” I sat up as he was finished with the uncomfortable cleaning. I wanted to tell him I was more than capable of doing that, but the soft look on his face stopped me.

  Slowly and softly, he ran his fingertips lightly up the inside of my leg. “Asia, I want you to know that you’re already fast becoming precious to me. I may do things that make you feel like this will go on forever. I don’t want you to take it to heart. I’m not that guy.”

  Stroking his cheek, I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. “We can take it one day at a time, Jett. No pressure. This is a contract that will be up at the end of August, and we can have fun in the meantime. Like a vacation. I loved it when my family went on a vacation to Miami for a whole week one summer. We all loved it there and wished it would last forever. But when the week ended, we had to go back home to our normal lives. It was bittersweet, but we did it and were left with great memories.”

  “Thank you.” He nuzzled my neck. “I’m glad you understand. I love that about you. You’re so understanding.”

  “I love that you’re so sweet and generous.”

  His lips pressed against my neck. “I love how you opened up to me.”

  My body was beginning to heat up again as I ran my hands through his hair. “I love how you took me to a place I’d never been.”

  He hovered over me looking deep into my eyes. “And I’m about to take you there again, baby. I wanna make you walk funny for a week.”

  I laughed as he pushed me back on the bed and climbed over me. I could see our first week together was going to be very enlightening!


  Taking a taxi to the Mercedes dealership, I was ready to set us up with cars. One for me, one for her, and one for us both. I had an order in with a chauffeur company, and a car and driver would be showing up for us when we needed it. But I didn’t want to arrive everywhere in that style. So, a pair of matching Mercedes was what I was shopping for.

  Asia was hesitant as we entered the dealership and a salesman came right to us. “Hello, and what is this happy couple looking for today?”

  “Asia, what’s catching your eye?”

  She smiled and looked at the salesman. “What’s your cheapest car?”

  I chuckled. “No, that’s not how we shop for things, baby.” I looked at our salesman. “We’re Mr. and Mrs. Simmons. And you are?”

  He extended his hand to me. “Brett. Nice to meet you both. So, money is no object today?”

  “Money’s always an object. I just don’t want my wife influenced by the amount of the car she wants. So, leave out the pricing and just give us the details on the cars she likes.” I ran my arm around Asia and lead her around the cars on the showroom floor. “And we’ll be taking the cars we purchase today off the showroom floor. We don’t have time to wait for ordered ones to come in.”

  “Okay, well as you can see we have plenty available for you to choose from. And did you say cars, plural, more than one?” Brett was seeing commission dollar signs and chomping at the bit to make the sales.

  “We’re going to get two cars today. Whatever she picks, I’ll have the same. But we’ll want different colors.” I ushered Asia to the car nearest to us.

  It was a deep gray color and she ran her fingers over the smooth surface. “I think this one is pretty.”

  Brett was quick to point out everything about it, “This is C class, C 300 Cabriolet in Selenite gray. With a 4-cylinder engine, that’s plenty of power for such a smooth driving car.” He opened the door. “Slip inside, Mrs. Simmons.”

  Asia got in behind the wheel. “Oh, this is nice.” She looked up at me. “This leather is so soft and pretty.”

  “Do you like music, Mrs. Simmons?”

  “I do like my jams, Brett.” She smiled at him and I felt a hint of pride at how great she was looking behind the wheel of a nice car and how she was easily interacting with our salesman.

  “This little beauty has a Burmester Surround Sound System, and when you add in the fact it comes with satellite radio, well, you have a nightclub on wheels.” He laughed and shoved his hands into his pockets.

  Asia eyed me. “Jett, what do you think?”

  “I think I have never bought a 4-cylinder anything.” I looked around and to see what else they had.

  Quick to spot the increase in price that I wanted, Brett pointed out the S class cars. “Over there we have our 8-cylinder cars.”

  I helped Asia out of the car and took her to the area where cars that were more my speed were located. I watched her eyes land on a shiny deep blue one. “Oh, Jett, I can see you in that car. Do you like that color?”

  “Blue is my favorite color.” I pointed at a teal colored one. “I could definitely see you in that. Do you like it?”

  “I do. It’s so… different. I don’t think I’ve seen that exact color on the road before. These seem a bit unique and I like the idea of being in something no else is driving.” She walked up to the one I pointed out, and Brett opened the door for her. “Oh, wow. How did you make it even more luxurious?”

  “Magic,” Brett said with a chuckle. “This one has all the bells and whistles Mercedes Benz offers. Lane departure means you’ll never run into someone in another lane. Electronic stability means you won’t go skidding out of control. There’s even a blind spot sensor to watch over you.”

  “Now this is what I’m talking about. A safe car to put my precious cargo in.” I walked around the car and looked it over. “We’ll test drive this one, and if we like it, we’ll take both the blue one and this one. I expect they have the same features.”

  “They do, identical except for the colors.” Brett was smiling like a madman. I knew we’d chosen the most expensive cars
on the lot. With two commissions, he’d be living high on the hog for a while. And he’d most likely get some kind of bonus from his employer for pulling off such a sale.

  The test ride was fun for me. I let Asia drive and she was so nervous it was cute. “Oh, God, Jett! I’m freaking out here!”

  “Baby, we haven’t even left the parking lot yet.”

  She nodded and gulped, making me laugh. “It’s just a car. Now ease on out there, there’s very little traffic right now.”

  Pulling out so slowly a turtle could’ve beaten her, she eased on the gas, and we took off with a smooth start. “Oh, this rides like a dream, Jett.” She gave me a sideways glance. “But I know this car must cost a small fortune. We don’t have to get two of them. I’ll get the 4-cylinder and you get this one.”

  “Not a chance in hell, Asia. You get what I do. And this car is safer. I want you to be safe. I want to leave you in a safe home with a safe car.” My stomach knotted as I talked about leaving her.

  I didn’t want to even think about it!

  “I know you do, but I’m sure that other car has all same safety features. We’ll ask Brett when we get back. I’m sure they drive similarly too.”

  “You’re going to get this one, Asia. End of discussion.”

  She frowned, which I thought wasn’t even close to the expression she’d should’ve been wearing. “I don’t want you to spend a boatload of money on a car for me.” She said with a bit of hesitation I couldn’t possibly understand.

  “And I don’t care what you want. I’m buying you this one. We shouldn’t be arguing about this. This is a fun time, Asia. Damn!”

  She huffed and took a right turn. “I’ll be quiet. I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful, because I’m super grateful. I just worry about you spending too much money is all.”

  “I have it to spend. Don’t worry about my money. Let me do that. If I tell you to get something, I want you to get the things that are worth what you pay for them. Not some piece of crap that’s cheap.”

  “I wouldn’t call that first car a piece of crap, Jett.” She made the block and we were back at the dealership.

  “It wasn’t as good as this one is. So, you just keep those pretty little lips of yours shut so I can make a good deal on the two cars. I’m happy with my purchases. I want you to be happy too.”

  She parked and looked over the interior once more. “It is the most beautiful car I’ve ever seen.” Our eyes caught. “Thank you. I’ll love it forever. I’ll take excellent care of it too.”

  “I’m sure you will. Now let’s get inside and do the paperwork. You did bring your ID, right?”

  “It’s in my purse, like always.” Brett opened her door, letting her out as I got out of the passenger side.

  “And how do we feel about this car, Mrs. Simmons?”

  “We feel pretty awesome about it, Brett. I’ll leave you to wheel and deal with the hubby about it, though.”

  I walked up behind her and wrapped my arm around her waist as we headed inside to make the deal. While I wasn’t exactly happy with how she argued with me, I had to admit that I respected her for doing it. She was no money grubber, that was for sure. And she did have a good head on her shoulders. How was a girl from her poor upbringing supposed to know about things that cost more money than other things of the same nature?

  I could teach her about things like that. Asia could learn so much from me. Even though our time would be relatively short, I planned on taking her to another level in life. One she’s probably never even dreamt of. The vacation with my family was looming. She’d be hobnobbing with Hamptons’ royals. Rubbing elbows with elite New Yorkers. She was about to enter a world she’d become a permanent part of.

  It was then that I realized Asia and I would run into one another for the rest of our lives. I was bringing her into my world. A place, even after a fake divorce, she’d be a permanent fixture in. I hadn’t thought that it all the way through. Could I see Asia later in life, perhaps with another man? Could I handle that? I wasn’t sure I could, but I’d already started the train that was bound to derail my entire life.

  Might as well enjoy the ride!


  All the way to Jett’s parent’s vacation home, my stomach was in knots. This was going to be where I’d meet his entire family and their family friends. He had coached me on what he expected out of me. Good manners, which I had already, stay quiet unless asked a direct question, and use the words, I love you, often.

  I’d spent two weeks with the man, and those words wouldn’t be hard to say at all. I was falling. I mean, it was a head over heels kind of love, and I knew I’d end up crying like a baby when it was all over. But I was trying not to focus on that. I wanted to enjoy each day as it came and, most of the time, leave the ending out of my head. We’d left early that morning; he drove us in his new car. Mine stayed behind in the garage at home. A home that was going to be mine, all alone in the matter of a few months. I had no idea how I’d feel about being alone in that house or in our bedroom.

  With the sunroof down, we drove in the cool morning air, enjoying the bright sunlight and the fresh smells. “It’s beautiful up here.” I looked all around at the green foliage and pointed to a handful of deer who were having their breakfast in a field not far from the road. “Deer!”

  “Yes, you’ll see plenty of them up here. They come right into the yard. My mother used to take tons of pictures of them when they first bought the place. Now, we’re pretty used to them.” He took a turn, and we headed into an upscale neighborhood, full of mansions.

  My nerves were starting to get the best of me when as I realized we would be there soon. “Is it silly of me to think some of these people will look down their noses at me?”

  “If they do, I’ll straighten them out. It doesn’t matter where you came from, it matters that you’re my wife. You’ll be treated with respect or the person or persons who fail to do so will feel my wrath.” He took my hand and kissed it. “I don’t want you to worry about a thing.”

  I nodded, but knew he wouldn’t always be right by my side to protect me from people I knew who could be hateful. Jett had told me about his mother wanting to set him up with rich single women who lived in the area. That’s when he first came up with the wife lie so he wouldn’t have to go through the torture of being setup anymore.

  My woman’s intuition told me not to expect a warm welcome. His parents might be nice, they were when I met them that first day, but it was doubtful that anyone else would be. The gate was open when we approached it. There was a long and winding driveway that led up to the three-story, light blue, art deco style mansion. Each section of the home was like a city block, and giant windows lined almost all sides, overlooking the rolling hills that made up the estate.

  Shrubs were manicured into the shapes of deer, squirrels, and swans. It was neat, extravagant, and looked like something out of a magazine. “Wow, Jett. That’s all I can say. This is where we’ll be spending the week?”

  “This is it, my parents summer home.” He pulled around to the back where there was an enormous garage. “As you can see, it’s setup for multiple guests. There are no less than fifteen bedrooms, all with private baths. Five living areas, three dining areas, a gym, and an indoor, outdoor pool, as well as a game room, of course.”

  “Of course,” I had to laugh. “One can’t have a proper vacation house without that,” I used a snooty New York accent that made him laugh.

  “Careful now, you’ll meet quite a few people here with that accent.”

  A man came out at the end of the garage. He waved us in, and we parked next to a Rolls Royce. “Your parents?”

  “My grandparents. Dad bought grandfather that car last year. Neither set of my grandparents allow being lavished upon very often, but they all did take cars, and they do take the week-long vacation once a year here and another one in Wyoming in the spring. That vacation isn’t as socially intense as this one.”

  I thought about Wyoming in
the spring and it kind of hurt that we wouldn’t get to be a part of that. We’d be over by then.

  “So the summer is spent here and the rest of the year this place is closed up or what?” The man who’d opened the garage door for us was suddenly at my door, opening it for me.

  “Mrs. Simmons, how nice to make your acquaintance. I am Rock, the keeper of the cars.” He held out his hand, and I gave it a shake.

  “Nice to meet you, Rock, keeper of the cars. And it looks like you have some very nice ones to keep, don’t you?”

  He nodded and smiled. “That I do. All summer long, I get to clean, gas up, and take for routine maintenance some very nice vehicles.”

  Jett’s hand took mine as he looked at Rock over his shoulder. “Be gentle with her, she’s brand new. No maintenance needed this week. But she could use some gas.” We walked away at a quick pace.

  “You should’ve started that with a hello to the elderly man, Jett,” I scolded him.

  That stopped him in his tracks as he looked at me with wide eyes. “What did you say to me?”

  For a moment, I felt like I’d done something wrong. Then I jutted out my jaw. “I said, you should’ve said hello first. That was rude of you not to do that.”

  He eyed me for a long moment then looked past me at Rock. “How’s the wife, Rock?”

  “She’s doing fine, Mr. Simmons.”

  “Glad to hear it. And you? How’ve you been?”

  “Fine, just fine, sir. Thanks for asking.”

  “You have a good day, Rock. It’s always a pleasure to see you.” Jett looked back at me and whispered. “Did that satisfy you, my dear?”

  With a nod, I began to walk again. “It did, actually.”

  He laughed and smacked my ass. “You have moxie, my little Asia. I have to give you that.”

  We went into the house through a side door that looked like it might be a mudroom. Raincoats hung on hooks, galoshes of different colors and sizes were in a row on a shelf, and there were umbrellas in a stand. We walked through that room and into a state of the art kitchen where three women in white uniforms were busily preparing lunch.


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